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Eleição crucial no México: Progressista, partido e presidente em jogo.



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© REUTERS/Raquel Cunha - Todos os direitos: @ Agencia Brasil

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Progressista Claudia Sheinbaum é apoiada pelo governo, Morena e Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente do México.

A eleição no México está cada vez mais próxima, e a expectativa é de que a candidata à presidência Claudia Sheinbaum, do partido Morena, saia vitoriosa. As pesquisas indicam que a vitória no domingo (02) é praticamente certa, consolidando assim a continuidade do governo de centro-esquerda no país.

Com a proximidade das eleições, os votos dos cidadãos mexicanos serão decisivos para definir o futuro político do país. Os candidatos estão empenhados em conquistar o apoio da população e garantir uma disputa justa e democrática.

Election in Mexico: Candidates and Votes

Ranked second in the polls is candidate Xóchitl Gálvez, and in third place is Jorge Álvarez Máynez, both from the opposition to López Obrador. While surveys show that Claudia receives between 52% and 60% of the votes, Xóchitl ranges from 21% to 36%, and Jorge between 6% and 23% of the voting intentions. There is no runoff in Mexico. The winner is whoever has the most absolute votes, regardless of the percentage.

Historic Election in Mexico: Morena and President López Obrador

In a historic election that is expected to see the first woman as the Mexican president, over 99 million voters are heading to the polls to elect, in addition to the new president, 128 senators or senators, 500 federal deputies, and another 20,000 positions in local elections, for mayoralties and city councils.

Violence in Mexican Elections: Social Issues and Candidates

Marked by the violence of drug cartels that dominate entire regions of Mexico, this year’s election has cost the lives of at least 30 candidates. Among those assassinated during the campaign, 73% were running for mayoralties. These calculations come from the Seminar on Violence, a Mexican study group linked to the El Colegio de México university.

In the previous election in 2021, the group estimated a total of 32 assassinated candidates. Not surprisingly, violence was the main theme of the presidential campaign. One of the highlights of the favorite candidate’s campaign is the drop in the homicide rate she achieved when she was the mayor of Mexico City between 2018 and June 2023. ‘We achieved the lowest homicide rate since 1989. Now Mexico City is among the seven entities with the lowest homicides per 100,000 inhabitants,’ she announced on social media. From 16 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018, the Mexican capital recorded 8 homicides per 100,000 in 2022.

Social Policies and Progressives in Mexico: Andrés Manuel and Morena Party

Waldir Rampinelli, a history professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), explained that elections in Mexico are usually violent, which, according to the expert, is a legacy of the Mexican Revolution of 1910 and also due to the control that drug cartels have in the country. Waldir Rampinelli, a full professor in the Department of History at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), highlighted the social advances of the current Mexican government. Rampinelli also pointed out that the current president is likely to have a successor due to the success of the government’s social policies. ‘He created a kind of monthly aid for the elderly. Every elderly person, whether they have contributed to social security or not, receives a monthly amount. I know people who, if they didn’t receive this amount, would go hungry. This completely saves these people. They don’t just like López Obrador, they adore him,’ he said. Mexican Mario Farid Reyes Gordillo, a doctoral student in Latin American studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), says that Obrador has gained support from the poorest due to social policies and the increase in the minimum wage, but also highlights the weakness of the Mexican right. ‘The right has not been able to get rid of the image of corruption, police repression, and benefits to business friends.’

Fonte: @ Agencia Brasil

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