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Responsibility Beyond Sustainability: Elevating Environmental Accountability in Real Estate Markets



“Para os compradores, a consciência ambiental deve começar na escolha do imóvel”/ Crédito: Choat/AdobeStock - Todos os direitos: © Estadão Imóveis

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Desenvolvimento sustentável construção civil eficiente reduzindo resíduos e energizando espaço com tecnologias verdes BIM e construção modular.

A responsabilidade no mercado imobiliário não é apenas uma tendência passageira; é uma necessidade urgente que exige a atenção de todos os envolvidos, desde investidores e construtores até compradores e moradores. Em um mundo cada vez mais consciente dos impactos ambientais, o setor imobiliário precisa assumir uma posição de liderança na adoção de práticas sustentáveis. É fundamental que todos reconheçam sua responsabilidade em promover um desenvolvimento urbano mais sustentável e consciente do meio ambiente.

Além disso, a responsabilidade social das empresas do ramo imobiliário também é crucial para garantir um impacto positivo na comunidade. Ações que visam a inclusão social, a promoção da educação e o apoio a projetos comunitários são essenciais para construir um setor imobiliário mais ético e solidário. A responsabilidade vai além do aspecto ambiental e se estende para o compromisso com o bem-estar social e o desenvolvimento sustentável da sociedade como um todo.

Responsibility in Sustainability and Construction

The real estate sector stands out as one of the primary consumers of natural resources and energy, bearing a significant responsibility for a large portion of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy consumption and 33% of CO2 emissions. Prédios corporativos investem em sustainability to attract multinational companies.

In Brazil, the civil construction sector ranks among the top producers of solid waste, representing around 50% of the total generated in the country, as per data from the Union of the Civil Construction Industry of the State of São Paulo (SindusCon-SP). Furthermore, the production of cement, a key material in construction, is highly polluting, making a substantial contribution to carbon dioxide emissions.

For buyers, environmental awareness should begin with the choice of property. It is crucial to consider aspects such as energy efficiency, the origin of construction materials, and waste management of the project. Certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and AQUA-HQE (High Environmental Quality) serve as vital indicators of sustainable practices.

Investing in sustainable properties not only aids in safeguarding the environment but can also lead to significant long-term savings. Energy-efficient buildings can lower electricity and water bills while increasing the resale value of the property. Studies indicate that green-certified properties may command a value up to 30% higher than non-certified ones.

On the builders’ side, embracing sustainable practices is paramount. This encompasses opting for less polluting materials, implementing waste management systems, and utilizing green construction technologies. The adoption of renewable energy sources like solar panels and efficient heating systems should be encouraged and integrated from the project’s inception.

Leveraging technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates more efficient planning, reducing waste and enhancing resource utilization accuracy. Additionally, modular construction, enabling the fabrication of building components in controlled factories, can significantly decrease construction waste and environmental impact.

Various real estate projects worldwide have successfully embraced sustainable practices. A notable example is the Bosco Verticale building in Milan, Italy, which incorporates over 900 trees and numerous plants within its structure, promoting biodiversity and enhancing air quality. In Brazil, the Pátio Victor Malzoni development in São Paulo exemplifies sustainable construction, utilizing recycled materials, water recycling systems, and energy efficiency.

These instances demonstrate that aligning real estate development with sustainability is achievable, benefiting both the environment and society. Embracing responsibility in sustainability and construction is not just a choice but a necessity for a greener future.

Fonte: © Estadão Imóveis

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